Solar Panel Installation

“We needed a discreet solar PV installation on the edge (in fact just inside) our World Heritage Site. EnergyMyWay assessed the project thoughtfully, came up with a compelling design at a good price and delivered it seamlessly without disrupting our own access or work. We are delighted with the outcome and every member of the EnergyMyWay team were a delight to work with”
Dominic Hare, CEO - Blenheim Palace

Generate your own electricity
with solar photovoltaic panels for your home or business

Reduce your energy bills
and reduce your reliance on expensive electricity from the grid

Reduce your carbon emissions
and your impact on the environment

Earn money
by selling your excess electricity to the grid

Store solar energy in batteries
to maximise your on-site usage

How Solar PV works

Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels capture solar irradiation and convert it into free, green electricity for your home or business. This renewable energy source can significantly reduce your electricity bills while minimising your carbon footprint. The electricity generated by your solar panels becomes your primary source of power, with any shortfall seamlessly supplied by the national grid.

When your solar panels generate more electricity than you need, the excess can either be stored in a battery system for later use or sold back to the grid, generating revenue through the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG). This enables you to maximise the use of your solar-generated power and reduce your dependency on the grid, particularly during peak hours.

The entire process is automated, and you can monitor your system in real-time using a dedicated app, so you can optimise your consumption of solar electricity and make the most of the energy you generate.

“From our initial request, surveys, quotations and installation, Energy MyWay were efficient and courteous at every stage. The installation is working well and everything went according to plan.”
Richard Dick, CEO - Lucy Group

Start generating Solar energy in 5 simple steps

  1. Initial Design: We begin with a desktop survey using tools like Google Earth to provide you with an initial design swiftly. This allows us to assess the potential of your site and propose an optimal solution tailored to your needs.

  2. On-Site Survey: We then conduct a detailed survey of your home or commercial building, offering a face-to-face consultation to answer any questions you might have. During this stage, we might suggest alternative designs if necessary to ensure the best outcome.

  3. Installation Planning: Once you decide to proceed with the solar installation, we schedule the installation, and our Installation Manager conducts a thorough technical survey of the site to finalise all details. At this point, everything is ready to move forward.

  4. Installation Process: The installation process for most domestic systems typically takes around two days. Commercial installations may take longer depending on the size and complexity of the project.

  5. Customer Handover: After the installation is complete, we provide a comprehensive handover, including support with setting up and monitoring your system. We also offer long-term maintenance services to ensure your system continues to perform optimally.

Choosing Solar Panels for your roof or ground

We continually research and source the best solar panels and mounting systems available, ensuring that you receive the most suitable products for your project. Over the years, we’ve installed solar panels on various roof types and utilised numerous ground-mount systems, tailoring each project to the specific needs of the site.

Roof-Mounted Systems: Panels can be installed as a traditional on-roof array or as an in-roof system where the panels sit flush with the roof, integrating seamlessly with the existing structure. We offer a variety of solutions for flat roofs, including ballasted or fixed options on rubberised membrane or GRP roofs. For metal roofs, we can install systems that are compatible with standing seam or trapezoidal roofing.

Structural Integrity: For peace of mind, every roof's structure is cleared by a third-party structural engineer to ensure it can support the weight of the solar array. This is a crucial step in safeguarding your investment and the integrity of your property.

Considering an in-roof system?

We continually research and source the best solar panels and mounting systems available, ensuring that you receive the most suitable products for your project. Over the years, we’ve installed solar panels on various roof types and utilised numerous ground-mount systems, tailoring each project to the specific needs of the site.

Roof-Mounted Systems: Panels can be installed as a traditional on-roof array or as an in-roof system where the panels sit flush with the roof, integrating seamlessly with the existing structure. We offer a variety of solutions for flat roofs, including ballasted or fixed options on rubberised membrane or GRP roofs. For metal roofs, we can install systems that are compatible with standing seam or trapezoidal roofing.

Structural Integrity: For peace of mind, every roof's structure is cleared by a third-party structural engineer to ensure it can support the weight of the solar array. This is a crucial step in safeguarding your investment and the integrity of your property.

“We were pleased with the recent installation of PV panels on our office building in Kidlington. We believe that it is the wealth of knowledge that the team at Energy My Way possess which is their biggest strength, alongside their ability to clearly explain the installation process, how the panels work and what is required as the customer to ensure everything works correctly. The installation was also quick, to minimise the disruption to our staff and visitors.”
Graham Flint, MD - Pye Homes

Charge your EV with solar

With the rise of electric vehicles (EVs), we’ve found that an increasing number of our clients are looking to install EV chargers at their homes. The natural progression is to charge their EVs with solar energy, to not only reduce reliance on grid electricity but also make the charging process more sustainable and cost-effective.

In addition to the solar array itself, we can install EV chargers that are configured to charge your vehicle only when there is excess solar power, ensuring that you minimise grid consumption. This smart integration allows you to make the most of your solar investment, both for your home and your transportation needs. Get in touch with us to discuss how we can design a solar array that works efficiently with your EV charger.

The right choice for your business

Solar energy is an excellent choice for businesses, especially those with high daytime energy demands. By aligning your energy consumption with solar generation, you can significantly reduce your electricity bills and carbon footprint.

Solar installations also demonstrate a commitment to sustainability, helping you meet ISO14001 requirements and engage your employees in your environmental initiatives. Some of our commercial clients even have display screens installed that showcase the performance of their solar arrays, highlighting their investment's environmental and economic benefits.

“EnergyMyWay did a terrific job for us. We were looking for a solar panel + battery system. They were flexible finding for the optimum layout of the panels on our roof to give the best result. They worked on schedule and the installation team were a pleasure to work with. I am very happy with the PV and battery system they provided. They provided excellent service.”
Roger Davies, 2024 customer

The battery revolution

Battery storage systems have become an integral part of modern solar installations. Just two years ago, only 10% of our installations included a battery – today, that number has risen to 85%. The rising cost of electricity has made it more attractive to store and use your solar energy rather than selling it back to the grid.

With battery storage, you can avoid selling electricity at a lower price and instead use it when prices are higher, maximising your savings. Our solar PV designs are carefully modelled to determine if a battery is a wise investment for your system, and we recommend the optimal battery size to ensure you get the most out of your solar energy.

Solar PV arrays are installed by our EnergyMyWay installation teams, who are directly employed, experienced, friendly and knowledgeable.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • For most domestic installations, the process takes about two days. Commercial installations will take longer, depending on the size and complexity of the system.

  • Before installation, we’ll assess your roof to ensure it can safely support the solar array. If your roof can’t support the panels, we’ll discuss alternative mounting solutions or reinforce the roof structure.

  • Yes, we can install an EV charger to prioritise charging your vehicle using excess solar energy, reducing your reliance on grid electricity.

  • While not necessary, a battery system can significantly enhance the efficiency of your solar installation by storing excess energy for later use. We will assess your specific needs to determine if a battery is a worthwhile investment for you.

Contact us today to discuss your solar and battery project and to experience our full design, supply, installation, service.

Learn more by visiting our Resources section or read some of our Case Studies.